
3d mesh compression: Survey, comparisons, and emerging trends

Adrien Maglo, Guillaume Lavoué, Florent Dupont and Céline Hudelot.

In ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2015.

POMAR: Compression of Progressive Oriented Meshes Accessible Randomly

Adrien Maglo, Ian Grimstead and Céline Hudelot.

In Computer & Graphics, Proceedings of Shape Modeling International 2013, Bournemouth, United Kingdom, July 2013.

Preprint: here.

Source code: here.

Demonstration: video.

Progressive Compression of Manifold Polygon Meshes

Adrien Maglo, Clément Courbet, Pierre Alliez and Céline Hudelot.

In Computer & Graphics, Proceedings of Shape Modeling International 2012, College Station, USA, May 2012.

Preprint: here.

Source code: here.

Demonstration: video.

Cluster-based Random Accessible and Progressive Lossless Compression of Colored Triangular Meshes for Interactive Visualization.

Adrien Maglo, Ian Grimstead and Céline Hudelot.

In Proceedings of Computer Graphics International 2011, Ottawa, Canada, June 2011.

Paper: here.

Demonstration: video.

Remote scientific visualization of progressive 3D meshes with X3D. In Proceedings of the 15th international Conference on Web 3D Technology

Adrien Maglo, Guillaume Lavoué, Céline Hudelot, Ho Lee, Christophe Mouton and Florent Dupont.

In Proceedings of Web3D '10, New York, USA, 109-116.

Preprint: here.

Demonstration: video.